Aims of the Project

The development and communication of new skills, ideas, knowledge and understanding.

  • Co-construction of learning with young people.

  • Establishing and maintaining positive relationships with young people.

  • Increasing reading for pleasure and motivating pupils to read using the interest of football.

  • Build confidence and self esteem.

  • To work in a team and problem solve creating a script to perform using green screen technology.

What, Where and When?

Scunthorpe United Reading Stars is a literacy and football based programme suitable for Year 5's, Year 7's and Year 8 pupils who have an interest in football but disengaged or reluctant in reading.

Each school is invited to select a cohort of around 15 learners to access the programme. Resources provided by the programme will include lesson ideas, activity books, certificates, posters, football themed books, and more.

The model proposed is that schools embark on an enhanced programme linking literacy to football. The approved project consists of 7 key strands. All participating schools are invited to a briefing to go through all the paperwork and the seven strands this was carried out on 31st January 2024. The project runs from January 2024-July 2024. See strand information on venues for each strand event and dates delivered. 120 pupils took part in the 2024 programme from 8 different secondary schools; Outwood Academy Brumby, Melior Community Academy, Frederick Gough School, The Vale Academy, Winterton Community Academy, Baysgarth School, Kirton Academy and St Bede's Catholic Voluntary Academy.

How it started

After the success of the first Scunthorpe United Reading Stars in 2017 the North Lincolnshire Council Strategy Group of ‘Words Count’ agreed to invest again in this exciting programme which sits at the heart of a number of our strategic priorities aimed to promote literacy. The project builds on the overarching theme launched in 2016, ‘reading for pleasure.’ Scunthorpe United Reading Stars was originally delivered in partnership with Words Count, National Literacy Trust, Study Parks and Scunthorpe United Football Club. Since 2017 Words Count in partnership with Study United and Scunthorpe United Football club have run the project yearly for primary aged pupils. The need was identified for secondary pupils after 2020 and the Covid pandemic and after a consultation with secondary school head teachers, the first secondary cohort took place in 2022 with seven secondary schools taking part.


2024 Strand Summary


Strand 1- March 1st 2024

A full day of exciting activities with renowned author, Tom Palmer was delivered at the Attis Arena, Glanford Park home of Scunthorpe United Football Club. Tom is the author of 3 Puffin fiction series for children. He is a motivational speaker who has an excellent track record of successfully engaging the children in a positive conversation about reading and writing. During the day the pupils got to meet and work with Tom Palmer, learning about how he became an author and take part in his football penalty shootout quiz. The pupils also took part in a Ghost Stadium tour within the Attis Arena and completed a reading comprehension task, during the day. All pupils received their own copy of Ghost Stadium. In the afternoon the pupils got to meet some Scunthorpe United players and interview them and get their autographs.

Dan Freedman visited us on 1st May 2024 at the Attis Arena, the pupils experienced an afternoon of listening to his amazing journalist career, interviewing the likes of Messi and Ronaldo and travelling to two World Cups as the first ever in-house journalist to be embedded with the England Team.

He is also best known for the hugely popular Jamie Johnson football novels which was adapted for TV by the BBC. He has written an award-winning teen thriller- ‘Unstoppable’ and his most recent novel ‘I am Lenny Brown’ picks up on anxieties that many young people have suffered during lockdown.

Dan also discussed the 2024 launch of his first non-fiction book –‘50 Ways Into Football’ and will look at ways young people can aim for a career which involves football without being a player.

Another part of strand 1 was a visit to the Attis Arena by renowned rap artist/poet Breis who delivered a one and a half hour session on the history of rap and performed some of his own. Pupils wrote their own raps and then performed them.

This took part on Wednesday 28th April 2024.

Strand 2 - Book Club ran in school (February-July 2024)

Resources are provided to develop a book club back in school.

These include planning for 10 fixtures to be completed using the provided tactics and pupil log books.

Strand 3 - Study United Centre visits (two dates per school between May-July)

All participating schools were entitled to two visits to the Study United FC centre. The half day sessions consisted of:

Session 1 a stadium tour and talk on the history of Scunthorpe United. The pupils made notes then back in the centre worked in groups to create a script. Back in school the scripts were developed then emailed to Steve Parsons.

Session 2 entailed performing the script in their groups in front of the green screen technology using an autocue. Steve filmed the sessions and copies were sent to the schools to play and share at the pupils graduation or celebration event.

Strand 4 - Brian Laws visit (date arranged by school between March-July)

Schools were able to organise a visit from a local sports personality and reading ambassador Brian Laws.

During these visits he talked about his playing and managerial career and the importance of reading, both professionally and for pleasure.

He engaged the pupils with a dream team game using football players then created one using fictional book characters.

Strand 5- Parent Reading Workshop (date arranged by the school between May-July)

A parent reading workshop as part of a graduation or separate event was delivered to parents/carers and their children in participating schools.

The pupils had opportunity to showcase their work and the importance of reading was shared.

Strand 6- Football tournament (June 26th)

All schools took part in a six a side football tournament led by the 'Active Lifestyles' team in the council at Coop Sports Field.

The winners of the tournament was Kirton Academy, well done to them.

Strand 7- End of season celebration (July)

Pupils and their parents were invited to celebrate the end of the project. Certificates were given out and in three schools the parent reading workshop delivered as well. Two schools were lucky enough to receive a visit from SUFC football players at their graduation.



Evidence from pupil and teacher evaluations show that an increase in reading for pleasure and enjoyment is a direct impact from the project, particularly in regards to football books/articles etc.

Another impact evidenced was the raising the pupil's confidence and self esteem, which is an important aspect of the programme, particularly when they engaged in the performance of the script within our Study United centre.

Reading confidence was also developed which was again reported by the pupils and the teachers.

Tom Palmer Testimonial

“I have worked with dozens of football clubs over the last decade and it is great to see Scunthorpe United FC and North Lincs Council doing such fantastic work with schools. I don’t know of any other football club doing such intense work with so many schools and children. The posters, the author visits, the story-themed stadium tour, the utter engagement of the children and their teachers. There was so much to be impressed with. In a time when many councils, football clubs and school have abandoned collaborative work like this because of money and staffing issues, it is a joy to see and be part of the Study United and Words Count project"

Dan Freedman

“Absolutely blown away by what @StudyUnitedFC do for the local community in Scunthorpe to raise engagement and aspiration.

Despite the many obstacles in their way, the impact of the work they (and countless clubs like them) do is immeasurable.”

Taking Part

If your school would like sign up to the Reading Stars programme or you would like to discuss the programme further, please get in touch at: